
Foxit reader pdf printer component
Foxit reader pdf printer component

I’m going to pick “Registry” here, then I want to go find that same location – “FoxIT Reader 6.0/printer” – and click “Finish.” There we go. Here are the items that are configurable right there. Let me go ahead and show you where it lives: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/FoxIT Software/FoxIT Reader 6.0/printer.” I’ll call this “FoxIT Reader 6 Print.” Now I happen to know that this thing lives in the “Registry.” I can actually show you where. I’m going to pick “FoxIT Reader” print dialogue. I’m going to use the “PolicyPak Design Studio” and “Start a new project (using Capture Wizard)” here. We’re going to configure one, two, three, four, five items, and then we’ll demonstrate how the thing will be locked down. Some of the other ones probably aren’t available to capture and train, but most of the items here you can at least gray out and lockdown. The items that we want to capture are one, two, three, four, five.

foxit reader pdf printer component

When I go to the “Print” dialogue here, this the dialogue I want to capture.

foxit reader pdf printer component

First, you’re going to go load – for me, what I did was I loaded any PDF. This is not a Pak that we will create and enable for everybody, but if you wanted to recreate it, it’s super easy to do. This is a recreation of something that has already been done. In this short video, I’m going to show you how one customer needed to do FoxIT Reader’s print dialogue and how I was able to create a Pak for it in a couple of minutes. This is Jeremy Moskowitz, former Group Policy MVP and Founder of PolicyPak Software. PP Design Studio – FoxIT Printer Settings Tutorial Video Transcript In this tutorial we show how to capture FoxIT Printer’s settings. 06: PP Design Studio – FoxIT Printer Settings Tutorial

Foxit reader pdf printer component